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Music Study of Future

Importance and application of music acoustics on education of music

Arash Yazdani


For the last few centuries the musical world has been in constant and drastic changes in correspond to the science, technology and knowledge advancement. Surprisingly though the methods and material of music education has not improved much since our ancestors in Beethoven’s time. In fact the system of our music education has only slightly changed from music education of 18 and 19 centuries.

The mastery in music has been guarded and treated almost as a mystery or religion, either deliberately or as a result of a lack of comprehensive information. For an average music student, trial and error tends to be the only method of education alongside with accepting the rules and obligations taught by the teachers. However the importance of experience is undeniable, but having an explicit knowledge about what to look for and what actually happens in music could lead to a more profitable method of education than sheer trial. Thanks to the advancement of technology and science, we have the tools to observe and study the complex phenomenon of sound and process of making music. But little of these knowledge have been practically used for improving the quality of education/training of the future musicians. By giving examples of the application and impact of music acoustics in different musical areas, this paper tries to suggest ways in which the education of music could be improved. The targeted areas of music education in this paper are studying Harmony, Orchestration/Instrumentation, composition, Ear training and playing an instrument.
